
In times like these

"In times like these...." it seems like we hear that statement made by someone everyday. If it is not a politician or financial whizz, then it is the news media or the budget analysts telling us that "these are terrible times and we are headed for even worse!" Excuse me for disagreeing, but I do. The only gloom and doom are those that we make for ourselves.

I don't normally comment on "world" issues, but I have heard so much bad lately, that I am ashamed of what is happening. You hear it in stores while shopping, at restaurants with acquaintances, and in theaters while waiting in line for tickets. Every body feels down about the world around them.

The real truth is that if you think and dream positive, then positive will happen! It is that simple. There is no rocket science here. You have two choices--you can choose to be happy and surround yourself with positive, good things in your life or you can choose the other route and focus on the "gloom and the doom." Not me! I will choose the happy whenever and wherever I can.

I had a bride come to me with a very limited budget. We worked within her budget to create the wedding of her dreams, giving her everything that she wanted and more. When she presented it to her family (keep in mind that they set the budget and we worked well inside of it), they didn't think one day was worth it and told her that they weren't going to do it. I understand cut backs and life circumstances. I asked her to visit with her family to see if there were items and services that could be cut but still retain the overall wedding day. Their answer to her: "You are not worth all the fuss and the money that is going to just one day." ---Yes, this is a true story!

I can't begin to tell you the damage that these parent's did to their only daughter. She ended up moving to a different state with her fiance - for his job - and to this day does not seek out any communication with her parents. Her wedding? It was every bit as beautiful and wonderful as she wanted since she and her fiance waited a year, saved for it and paid for it themselves. Could her parents really not afford the wedding that they promised their daughter? You tell me....the father went out two months after telling the above to his daughter and bought a brand new customized Escalade SUV. The wedding that his daughter wanted was half of the cost of the Escalade.

Henry Ford made a very profound statement that would be good for all of us to remember; "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." Don't you think that the positive approach and all of its successes would be a much better balm for any of life's wounds? Henry Ford was a very smart man. When others told him he couldn't, he stayed steadfast to his dream and knew that he could. "It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste." Don't waste time thinking that you can't. You can have anything that your heart desires, you just must believe!

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