
Favors for the asking

Favors are a fun way to connect with your guests. They are a way to leave a lasting impression, a token of the event, a way to keep the event alive. There are some adorable favors for every type of wedding and event. Whatever favor you choose, please keep these things in mind:

1. If your budget would either accommodate an extra hour at the bar or favors, go for the extra hour at the bar. Favors are fun to give, but certainly not necessary. If you give your guests good food, good entertainment and a loving spirit, they won't really need anything to keep your wedding memory.
2. Favors should compliment your overall wedding theme. Caramel apples work well for a fall theme. Cookies in the shape of a flower work well for spring weddings. A pot of locally-grown honey and your grandmother's biscuits are great for out of town guests.

3. The most popular favors are those that involve food; cookies, chocolate, biscotti and a bag of coffee, your aunt's favorite soup mix and a beautiful enameled spoon, something that is meaningful to the both of you.
4. Make sure that your favors are packaged as beautifully as possible. Add a homemade sticker with your initials and a personal thank you; a colorful ribbon, a flower detail, anything to enhance the gift. After all, anticipation of the gift is as important as the gift itself.

Here are some great web sites for favor ideas:

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