
Real Weddings | Mike and Stacey

This lovely wedding comes to us from SR PhotographyThe Ceremony was at Capital Hill Lutheran Church, with the Reception at Toad Valley Golf Course in Pleasant Hill.  Toad Valley is a beautiful space for an event since it has one wall that is nothing but huge windows overlooking rolling hills, ponds and green courses. 
Stan wrote, "This couple is truly truly in love!"

What caught our attention was the way Stan makes some of the pictures look like they are out of a vintage magazine.  The Bride is absolutely gorgeous!  Great job, Stan; you can take our picture anytime!

Congratulations, Mike and Stacey!

You can rest assured that when you choose a Premier Vendor from The Wedding Book, they will handle your wedding with the utmost care and professionalism as well as give you the very best service possible.

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