
Sunday Inspirations | Social Hour Fun

May 18 | Signature Drinks | by Cynthia

Looking to add some special touches to your wedding? Social Hours are a great way to jazz up your day. They are normally 45 minutes to an hour long, so you have a limited time to make an impression. A signature drink is a great way to treat your guests!  Whether your taste leans towards a fruity, umbrella-type of cocktail or straight up whisky on the rocks,  this is the perfect time to have fun.  

We love these "made-for" drinks that not only look good in the glass, but taste good, too!

All photos and cocktail recipes courtesy of Swooned.
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Looking for a way to combine your love of signature drink and guest gifts?  Introduce them to a mini version so that they can remember the fun that they had at your wedding when they return home.

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