
Facts to help you think about your wedding planning

Here are some facts to help you think about your wedding planning:

1. Did you know that over 82% of all wedding couples will use the world wide web to help them plan their wedding in some way? Being online is a great way to find resources, hints, ideas, and how-to's.

2. Did you know that the average wedding in the USA costs over $28,000? The average wedding in Iowa is over $26,000! We are not far behind the national average; how are you spending your wedding budget?

3. Did you know that over 2.3 million weddings occur in the USA in any given year? Over 350,000 of these weddings will be destination events.

4. Did you know that the average wedding spends over $3600 every hour that their wedding occurs? That is a very large chunk of change to be stumbling through completely drunk and wasted.

5. Did you know that it costs nothing more to give your wedding the WOW factor than it does to make a complete fool of yourself when you got drunk and stupid the night of your wedding? In fact, it costs much less and the residual from it is much greater than trying to apologize to all of your wedding guests the next day.

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