
I will say it again!

I can't seem to say it enough---a wedding day is NOT a do-over day!
The bride and groom, as host and hostess of their first party together as man and wife, have one day, one shot, one chance to make a difference in the lives of their guests. What you do with your day is up to you, but I can plead and plead until the cows come home---please make your day count!

If your budget won't allow you to do all of the things that you want to do, then scale back the guest list or your choices. Maybe wait a year while you save money to have the wedding of your dreams. We seem to be a hurry-up society, I want-it-now type of people that don't want to wait and plan--just get it done and over with. Is this the way you see your marriage?

Yes, I know, it is just a wedding! Just a party!
Not really--think about it and refer back to the first paragraph of this blog. Make a difference, not a dent!

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