
More Web Sites not to miss

I am constantly asked by brides where I find my inspiration. It can come in many forms, but accessing the Internet is a wonderful way to see what the world has to offer, that and reading at least 15 magazines and books a month--I am a voracious reader!

Here are some great sites to peruse: Love this designer's work! She not only understands a woman's body, but she also understands how a bride wants to feel on her wedding day. has some beautiful tiaras that are sure to inspire your own fairy tale wedding look.

If you haven't found the perfect shoes to go with the perfect gown, try Harriet Wilde's web site: Her shoes are beautiful!

Kirsten Goss makes jewelry that is fresh and indulgent. Her designs will surely inspire you to think of elegance and glamour not to mention finding the perfect piece to complete your wedding day look. or

And I have to include the web site of Her designer gown of a two piece ivory satin dutchess dress with rouged tulle overlay enhanced with Swarovski crystals and ostrich feathers is breathtaking!

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