
Wedding Hair

How you wear your hair on your wedding day is a choice that only you and your hair dresser can decide. Up or down? Curls or straight? Bangs or side sweeps? Are you adding flowers or a tiara? The picture to the left from Brian Garman shows a simple, yet elegant updo with a single perfect daisy. Love it!
Always do a couple of test runs and try different styles; much like trying on different wedding dresses until you "just know" the look that is right for your day. Different styles will make you feel different emotions and how you view yourself that day. Make sure to take your veil along with you to your practice sessions. You don't want to love your hair but then can't get your veil situated on the day of! is a great resource for styles and ideas. Most importantly of all, make sure to look like "you," not a version of someone else!

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