
Making an impression

Do you remember me talking about a very bad venue and catering company that I dealt with in November? Well, I am still waiting to hear back from anyone at that business.

Funny how it doesn't seem to matter to anyone once the event is over. Out of sight--out of mind? That is when the real test of a business begins---long after the sale is over. How will your clients remember you?

The same goes for your wedding. Long after you have been pronounced married, long after the cake has been cut, and much longer after the bouquet has been tossed, how will your guests remember your wedding event?

Will they talk about it with fond memories and good words of sentiment or will they shrug their shoulders and say, "Nah...just another wedding."

If you don't plan on taking care of your guests at YOUR event, then why bother to spend all of that money? Seriously? Why do it? For a lot less you could elope to Las Vegas or have the county judge pronounce you man and wife. The legalities are all the same.

Making an impression? Yes. Lost in another day at the grind-probably, unless you purpose to make your wedding uniquely you. Make an impression. It is the very best way to spend your money at your wedding. Want to know how to make lasting memories without spending a dime? Email me and I would be glad to share

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