Did you know that 65% of your guests will leave within one hour after eating at your reception if they are bored or not having a good time? If there is no reason for them to stay, they won't. Think this isn't true? Think back to an event that you went to where you felt out of place, uncomfortable and basically wasn't having good time. You didn't stay very long, did you?
Most people will seek their only comfort level, which means, that we as a society like to be comfortable and doing what makes us happy. With so many choices now afforded to us, if we don't like something, we don't have to stay or be involved. There is
always something else to take its place. So too with your wedding. Giving your guests a reason to stay and enjoy themselves is your responsibility as a host and hostess, after all, YOU invited them to your wedding. How will you receive your guests?

Images are from http://www.twohunters.com/
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