
We are going crazy with Wedding Love

Good sunshiney day to all!  As you can see from the lack of posts, we have been finding ourselves coming and going lately in the wedding and event business.  Not to leave you thinking that we haven't missed you all, here is what we have been up to....

The Vintage Love, Rentals and annessi warehouse as exploded with activity.  Many of you have asked for more customized funiture for your events, so we had to add more square footage to accomodate all of your requests!  [Customized Head Tables take up a lot of room!]  This meant adding shelves, rearranging....well, you get the picture.  We are happy to say that we have enough room for lots more vintage, or for at least another month or two if I don't go vintage picking!

We lost a valuable part of our team this spring.  Our social media member decided to take another position, so as you can tell, I have taken up the reigns for all.  I am not happy to report that I get a near failing grade for keeping up with blogging, so it was back to finding someone who has the same passion about our business as we do. We are excited to announce that Ashley will be joining our "Wedding" family.  She comes to us from a design background as well as being somewhat of a lovely computer tech, so we are excited to be debuting her work very soon!

In addition to wedding weekends, a very talented photographer and lovely friend for many years - Carrie Geno from Geno Photography - asked us to help her create a glamourous vintage Photo Shoot at the popular venue - Bessie's Barn near Centerville, IA.   Never one to shy away from a challenge,  my assisitant and I went to work.  As soon as we get pictures, you know that we will be sharing.

Not to leave you high and dry for wedding inspiration today, here are pictures that make us giddy and silly with love all at the same time.


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